For your safety, it is important to be sure that you are working with an appropriately qualified provider. More information about the qualification of genetic health professionals in Australia is available through the Human Genetics Society of Australasia (HGSA).
The HGSA publishes a list of public and private clinical genetic services by state and a register of qualified genetic counsellors. An up-to date list of public clinics can be found at the Centre for Genetics Education. Public genetic services are generally free of cost, but there are eligibility criteria for appointments and testing, and waitlists for services.
Direct to Consumer (DTC) genetic tests are usually purchased and have results provided over the internet, without the involvement of your doctor or a healthcare provider. There can be limitations and risks with this type of testing, and it is important to have all of the information you need before deciding on any test. See FAQ: “Can’t I just order my own test online?” for more information